Thursday, 27 January 2011

Introduction to camera.

We were introduced to cameras in our previous lesson. We were told to take care of the cameras like it was our own as it is expensive. 

Here is the camera that we were introduced to and were going to use for our project. We learnt where and how to put the battery and memory card in. We were introduced to the function of the camera, for example, what the basic buttons were for, e.g. the recording button, the pause and play button, the zoom button and etc.

We were also taught how to get a clear focus on manual, as there is a rotating switch just behind the lens of the camera.

After that, we had to put all the knowledge we learnt to record a quick 10 second clip. I did a little interview with Ryan. I found that it was very easy to record and knowing how to function the camera on manual it wasn't difficult for me.

Then we were introduced to the Tripod, which is a piece of equipment used to hold the camera still but allows you to rotate and move the camera easily. The lever on the side allows us to move the camera allowing it to rotate, swivel, swerve, pan and track. The camera sits on top of the Tripod with a lock which locks it so it wouldn't fall off.

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