Sunday, 16 January 2011

Intertextuality in Films

"Intertextuality is a term to describe the visual referencing between films. Quite literally, films 'borrow' from each other, and you may recognise certain camera angles, aspects of mise en scene, snippets of sound or methods of editing in some films that you have seen in others."

'Psycho' is a classic film and many other films has borrowed the famous 'Shower Scene' to include to their film. The films below are examples of intertextuality which has 'borrowed' from 'Psycho'

What Lies Beneath - used the whole idea of a bathroom as the main scene with the girl in the bath tub laid still with her eyes starring into space as she gasps for air just like in 'Psycho' when the victim gets stabbed.

Fatal Attraction - used the whole idea of the victim being a woman and the villain being a man. it also uses aspects of a bathroom. However, the woman in this clip ends up holding the knife instead of the man.

The Stepfather - also uses the thought of having a bathroom and also the woman being a victim with the man holding a knife. it also borrows the idea of having the shower curtains being pulled down by the victim. But in this scene the woman ends up stabbing the man with the same pose from 'Psycho' as the hand with the knife is over her shoulder.

Succubus - is a student film which is made to portray 'Psycho'. it almost has everything borrowed from the 'Shower scene' with features of the shower, knife, stabbing pose, blood draining down the shower and the helpless victim. But, however, in this clip the victim is a boy and the villain is a girl.

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